29 Tips for Making Better Videos 📸

Sep 16, 2019

Okay, let's get into how to shoot video. I want to give you 29 tips for making better videos for your YouTube or blog.

This is all stuff that I wish I had known when I first started.

First and foremost, you can do almost everything with your phone. You don't need a fancy camera. Pull your mobile phone out and just start shooting. Now it's going to be a little rough at first. That is okay. Everybody I've ever met that started doing videos always started in a place that was rough. Everybody. And you get better at it. You can't really learn until you just start doing it.

That being said, I'm going to give you some pitfalls to avoid. (continued) Click play on the video above. 

Here are the links to products I mention and recommend in this video:
xxx - Zion
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