🍉 How To Add GIFs to Your Webpage in Kajabi

Oct 23, 2019

Hey guys, it's Zion from Get Known.

I want to talk to you about how I solved an issue with creating a moving graphic on my website.

So for our site I wanted to have graphics that are moving, illustrating the points I was making in text. And I thought at first that I could do that with video. But, as you'll see, I ended up using GIFs to do this. And after a lot of trial and error, I figured out how to do this in a really high quality, good looking way. And I'm excited to share it with you.

All right, let's check it out. So this all started when I wanted to create a way in which I can show our customers how our system works on the Get Known website.

So I created another page and I created a page in which there are graphics that just pop up and start playing. 

*Click the video for more info*

That's it for this week!

Please feel free to share this with others that may find value in this help.

xxx - Zion 🌱


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